10 reasons why people hesitate going for counseling.

Amid the COVID 19 crisis, I have heard people's concerns about their mental health issues. Currently, I have got text messages saying, " I am messed up and don't know what to do ?" " My mind tangles like telephone wires." and " I am aware of my problem but don't want to talk to strangers."

I have vigilantly discerned people being aware of their mental health issues when asked to seek the professional help they hesitate and refuse. So, here are 10 reasons why people are reluctant to see psychosocial counselors or therapist :

1. Only crazy people go for counseling. NO!

The negative stigma and discrimination associated with mental health is the dominant reason for people not seeking psychological help. People are afraid of getting tagged as CRAZY, MAD, and PSYCHO whereas these terms are unscientific and barely used by mental health practitioners.

2. My problems aren't severe

Counseling invariably doesn't imply "Cry for help." Counseling aims to prevent you from entering the Severe state of mental illness. Its range is elongated from dealing with mental illness like depression to general stress, anger, fear, confusion, and worry.

You don't need to break down to go for counseling!

3. I don't want to scrutinize my weakness 

Identifying vulnerabilities and scrutinizing weakness is not the sole purpose of counseling. Strength-based or positive counseling supports you to emphasize your internal strengths, resourcefulness, and less of your weakness, failure, and shortcomings. 

4. What if someone  I know finds out? 

Confidentiality is the core principle of counseling. Unless you show signs of self-harm or intent to harm others, your information is safe and private. Counselors and therapists won't disclose your identity and information without your permission.

5. I don't have time

Undoubtedly managing time is challenging in the modern world from college to job, taking care of family and your errands. Managing time might be an issue. I am not here enforcing you to go for counseling. If you feel it's indispensable, creatively planning and adjusting to your schedule is viable.

6. I don't know what to speak 

Your counselor will help you to speak up on issues you want to explore. You don't need to know what to talk about prior to the session. Even though you prepare talking points, the conversation will take a different turn. 

7. I prefer talking with my friends instead

Of course, you should talk with your friends and family. You need strong social support to cope with any life issues. But, counselors are trained to listen. They don't give suggestions as your friends do. Counselors will support you to identify the source of problems and presumable solutions that are appropriate for you. 

And will your friends be there every time to listen to your problems and issues?

8. It's Expensive. 

Though costly at times, counseling is an investment for your personal growth, emotional stability, and professional development. Counseling is expensive when therapists turn out to be an expert. 

However, several mental health institutions offer counseling with a minimum charge. There are counselors who proffer student discounts. So, the first step would be scrutinizing alternatives to affordable therapy.

9. Counseling wasn't useful

Every counselor and therapist is a unique individual. They have a distinctive approach and techniques for facilitating. Just because your previous counselor wasn't helpful doesn't mean your new one will disappoint you. When you get sick don't you change your doctor or hospital if treatment is inappropriate?

 10. I can't find the counselor/therapist

Finding a counselor or therapist can be challenging at times. Online search engines can be helpful to find a therapist near you, or acquire a referral or suggestion from a friend. You can also contact organizations and institutions working for mental health and social well-being.

Moreover, If you want to find a counselor for yourself or anyone you know, here are organizations and web portals providing free Online counseling amid COVID 19 crisis:

Counselor’s Alliance for Psychosocial Support and Counseling (CAPSAC)



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