What is Mental Health to you ? | World Mental Health Day 2020

Mental Health for All 
Greater Investment – Greater Access

This World Mental Health Day, We asked people on street of Kirtipur about their personal views regarding Mental Health , this is what they said...

The opinion on the video clearly shows the perception of Mental Health varies in terms of age. In a country like Nepal, Mental Health is still not considered as Health. Here, seeking professional help or going for therapy is still a taboo. While analyzing the above video, I felt was "Mental Health and its Service " is only for the rich. The low-income individuals sadly don't recognize the term Mental Health. 

Every year we celebrate World Mental Health day but I feel sad to say that the celebration starts and ends among the groups who are already aware of Mental health. 

 World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on the 10th of October with a specific theme. This year considering the global health emergency Dr. Ingrid Daniels president World Federation of Mental Health declared this year's theme " Mental Health for All-Greater Investment Greater Access"

 Dr.Daniel quotes, "Mental health is a human right – it’s time that mental health is available for all. Quality, accessible primary health care is the foundation for universal health coverage and is urgently required as the world grapples with the current health emergency. We, therefore, need to make mental health a reality for all – for everyone, everywhere."

 Mental health can be a reality for all only if the governing bodies consider it a necessity. However, the Nepal Government, Ministry of Health separates only 1 % of the total health budget in Mental Health. Until the government doesn't segregate enough budget and create a concrete plan, Mental health will continue to be an illusion for many.

 In my opinion, if the government of Nepal considers this year's Mental Health Day theme, they should prioritize the investment in awareness, prevention, and then treatment for greater access to all. As people are still ignorant about mental illness and mental health only focusing on treatment can result in ineffectiveness.


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