Why we millennials are obsessed with F.R.I.E.N.D.S ??

Illustration by: Katoon. cha

I wanted to write this post for so long, but I was busy re-watching the F.R.I.E.N.D.S episodes. However, I thought this would be the best time as The Reunion is finally happening. 

I was embraced by a dichotomy of feelings as soon as I saw F.R.I.E.N.D.S reunion posts on my social media. I hurriedly googled to check if it's official or just another prank ( I had fallen for a fake trailer prank a few years ago and got hyped needlessly), so I fact-checked, and wow! 27th May 2021 it is. A few minutes later... my newsfeed flooded with F.R.I.E.N.D.S reunion posts shared by millennials and a few Gen Z's.

I could understand the hype and the emotional vortex every F.R.I.E.N.D.S zealots are going through right now. But Why? Why do we twenty-something years care about twenty-something years old of more than twenty-five years ago? 

Like millions of millennials, I spent many nights watching Phoebe squealing, "Oh my eyes my eyes !" Joey fidgeting over his fridge, "Give me four hundred dollars." to Ross saying "Rachel" while Rachel replying "I got off the plane." and finally Chandler and Monica's "I do." The six characters in the sitcom with distinct personalities have reached millions of young fans obsessing even after it ended 17 years ago in 2004, and here's why.

1. Coffee? Yes.

"I can't start my day without coffee" is a frequent expression of millennials. According to the National Coffee Association, 51 percent of coffee drinkers are millennials. Similarly, friends cast are also often seen consuming coffee along with their gag at Central Perk. Being in a corresponding wavelength has helped viewers to connect with the show. 

2. Your job's a joke and you're [probably] broke.

Probably, I shouldn't say anything more than this !!

3. Your love life's D.O.A [Dead or Alive]

Alike the cast of this sitcom, we millennials are either married or getting married to the love of our life. If not we are heartbroken and living in a fear of being lonely forever. 

4. Age is just a number? That's not true.

It gave you a reality check that if you are not in your 30's you are not nearing your 20's either. 

5. Longing similar friendship and bonds.

At this age, we are busy adulting so connecting with friends frequently is unmanageable, so these characters help us to fill the void.

6. Above all it taught us life lessons.

Adulting is difficult but it's worth living 

Everyone has family issues

Basic grammar

Men are allowed to be sensitive


Women can propose

Made us believe in true love

It's ok to bring out your inner child at times 

Criticism is part of life

Don't ever wear leather pants on your first date


Body positivity


Bad things happen to good people

Friends will apart

But it's never too late to start over 


F.R.I.E.N.D.S has always been together with us at times when we were sad, lonely, stressed, and happy. So this is just a small tribute and way to say thank you to such a legendary show. 

(If I missed out on anything please feel free to share in a comment below)


  1. Your words just made me realize the things 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' tried to show throughout the series. I felt it! And yes, I belong to that "a few GenZ's".

  2. You have made us see things from a different perspective

    And yeah so eagerly waiting for the reunion 😍

  3. 7. With all the violence going across the globe, FRIENDS presents the possibility of happiness, laughs and all the happy moments.

    1. Yes it has indeed. Thanks for sharing

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